CIDOC documentation: E55 Type
Types are used to add information or group entities. They are hierarchical and can be accessed and edited via the Types Menu item. With this feature the user interface can be adapted for specific research interests.
Types can be added dynamically in forms (for users with editor status or higher) with basic information like name, description and super type
The root type description is shown in forms as a mouse over text at the i icon
Untyped entities can be checked via type overview
Multiple linked entities can be checked at type overview, useful if a type should be switched to single choice
Types (except value types) can be Set unselectable via the corresponding button in a type view. If selected only the type’s sub-categories can be selected in a form. Set unselectable can only be selected if the type is not already used for entities. You need editor permission or higher to make this change
A more detailed description on how to enter new types can be found here
Standard types
Some standard types are pre-installed in every OpenAtlas instance. These types
Cannot be deleted or renamed (but subtypes of them can)
Are single select only
Appear in forms with a Type label
Are displayed in entity tables
Custom types
Custom types can be created, deleted and renamed. The default installation comes with one example custom type Sex which is used for actors. Custom types
Can be single or multiple choices
Can be used for multiple classes, for example the type “case study” and its sub-types can be used in forms for places, actors, and events
If you want to change an existing multiple type to single but the multiple checkbox is greyed out and not selectable, the multiple option is used for at least one entity already. Check entries in type overview at multiple linked entities and make changes if necessary.
Value types
Value types can be created, deleted, and renamed. They are used to add values in form of decimals to an entity. The default installation comes with an example value type Dimensions with the sub-types Height and Weight which are used in the form for artifacts. Value types
Can be used for multiple classes
Values can be entered as decimals in forms
A unit such as centimetre, gram, or percentage can be specified
Form fields
A super (type) if it is a sub-type of another type
Can be linked via tabs to
Making types required
It is possible to make certain types required. To make a type required, go to type overview. Mark it as required in the display on the right. You have to have manager or higher status to do this.
Please keep in mind that not all users can add new types when making a type required. This might lead to situations where a user is unable to choose a fitting type for an entity and might therefore reduce data quality.
Existing entries that were entered before a typ was set to required and have no set values for this specific type can not be updated anymore afterwards.