
CIDOC documentation: E31 Document

The first tab Files shows an overview of used disk space and a List button to show all files.

At the index page already entered entities are listed in a Table.

  • Click on the + button to enter a new one

  • Click on the name of an entry in the list to access the detail view

  • To edit or delete an entry, click on the Edit button in the detail view.

If entities are linked to displayable files the first linked file is shown in the info tab. If another image should be displayed it can be changed in the files tab of each entity.

Files can be uploaded by editors if they don’t exceed the upload size limit and have one of the allowed extensions. Both criteria are displayed in the upload form. It is possible to upload multiple files in one go. They can either be selected via the file field or by drag and drop.

Form fields

  • File - choose a file from your computer

  • Name - a name is required; if field is left empty, it will be filled with the file name after file selection

  • License - files such as images can only be shown on a presentation site and archived if a license is defined; furthermore it is just good practice to define licence

  • Description

Form fields important for public sharing

Beside the license other information is important in case it is planned to share files with the public, e.g. at a presentation site or a public archive. More information is available at How to make files available for the public

  • Public sharing allowed - indicates if public sharing is allowed

  • Creator - the creator of the file, e.g. the designer of a logo

  • License holder - mention if different from creator

Can be linked via tabs to


File settings can be accessed via the Files menu item. Not all users can change the settings; Options provided are:

  • Maximum file size in MB limits the maximum file size; also limits the total size when multiple files are uploaded together

  • Profile image width in pixel - related to the layout of info tabs

  • Allowed file extensions - e.g. pdf, jpg, jpeg, svg

Images that can be displayed in the browser are defined through their extensions and can be changed in the configuration file (e.g. instance/ default is:

DISPLAY_FILE_EXT = ['.bmp', '.gif', '.ico', '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.png', '.svg']

Image preview

If image processing is enabled (default=on, configurable by admins) and user have Show icons in tables in their Profile activated, small images of files are shown in tables.

Please be aware many files and large tables can impact performance.

How to make files available for the public

In case files are supposed to be shared with the public, e.g. on a presentation site or a public archive, several criteria have to be met.

Criteria checked by the software

  • The file must exist

  • A license has to be specified

  • Public sharing allowed has to be marked

In case these criteria aren’t met, a file won’t be:

  • Shared via the API

  • Won’t show up on presentation sites developed by the OpenAtlas team

  • Won’t be included in long time archiving if ARCHE is used

Criteria checked by managers and users

  • The linked license is correct and allows public sharing

  • Other license specific criteria, e.g. specifying the creator, are met

A automatic check for those specifics is not possible as there are many licenses with numerous different criteria. Therefore it is the responsibility of the project management to ensure that all necessary requirements are met. To indicate this use the public sharing allowed flag.

Used licenses should linked to an external reference (e.g. an URL) were possible as it is informative for other users and viewers.